yeast infection on men
List of yeast infection causes

A fungal bacterium called Candida Albicans resides in our body naturally. This is a good bacterium that is required by the human body but to a certain extent. When these start duplicating and their number increase a lot then these can cause yeast infection in the body. The yeast infection often occurs on the skin or mucous like membranes in the body. Yeast infection occurs in the body whenever the normal pH balance gets disrupted. Those elements which can disrupt the body’s pH balance can indirectly be the yeast infection causes. There are many yeast infection causes like:

Taking antibiotics: Antibiotics are wonder drugs that cure various infections in the body. These can act as life saviors in some cases but these are one of the main yeast infection causes because these are designed to kill bacteria and at times antibiotics are not able to distinguish between the good and the bad bacteria. When the good bacteria are killed, the body balance gets disrupted which can lead to the growth of yeast cells and thus cause yeast infection,

Wearing tight clothes: Your skin needs to breathe. If you wear tight clothes it won’t be able to do so and conditions that are favorable for the growth of yeast cells are formed i.e. warm and moist.

Pregnancy: Many women develop yeast infection during their pregnancy. This is because during that time body undergoes many changes and the normal body balance is disrupted. This causes yeast infection.